All my Time For Mummy has gone from sitting with Chocolate on the sofa in front of the telly to EXERCISING. In HUGE amounts.
I have been doing a mix of walking using Rosemary Conley's Real Results workout and I am now the proud owner of a mini cycle as well! A combination of this and Slimming World's fab new 'Extra Easy' plan I have managed to lose 1 Stone in weight , 1 inch from around my belly and 2 inches from my hips in just 5 weeks. This may not seem like the usual 'Time for Mummy' post but if I'm honest just getting the hour or 2 a week without little Charlie under my feet so I can do my workouts properly is a god send. In the end he will benefit too because once the weight is off we will be able to go out more often and go further for longer!
So my 'Time for mummy' this week has been all about EXERCISE!! :) x
Heehee we had very similar "Time for Mummy" posts this week! :o) Well done you! xx